The last thing any driver wants is to find themselves in a bad accident with another driver, but unfortunately you can’t control the actions of others on the road. All you can do is ensure that your own driving is as strong as possible so that the chance of being in an accident is severely reduced. The best way to go about this is to learn the leading causes of car accidents along with beneficial tips to avoid finding yourself in a wreck.

How Common Are Car Accidents in the United States?
Unfortunately, car accidents are quite common around the world and, more specifically, in the United States. As of the latest data calculated in recent years, the average American had a 1 in 63 chance of being involved in a car accident over the course of the year. This value was derived from the fact that there are typically around 5 million car accidents that occur in the states on a yearly basis, though this only accounts for accidents that actually go reported.
In adhering to tips for staying safe on the road, it’s essential to be aware of resources like a Truck Accident Injury Lawyer, who can provide legal guidance and support in the event of unforeseen accidents involving commercial vehicles.
The 3 Leading Causes of Car Accidents
Given the large number of car accidents that occur on a yearly basis, it’s beneficial to look at the leading causes for those accidents so that you can avoid putting yourself in a high-risk situation. The following are the three most prominent causes of accidents:
1. Driving While Intoxicated
First and foremost, too many drivers on the road choose to mix alcohol or drugs with getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. This error in judgement and irresponsibility leads to some of the most car accidents on roadways around the world. Keep an eye out for the signs of an intoxicated driver including swerving on the road, erratic actions, and general reckless driving.
2. Driving While Distracted
Many drivers overlooked the fact that distracted driving is also one of the leading causes of accidents on U.S. and global roadways. Anything from checking a phone while behind the wheel to even eating a burger can take a driver’s attention away from the road. This sudden lack of attention to the road can lead to a number of different types of accidents.
3. Driving Recklessly
Finally, reckless driving is the third leading cause of car accidents on roadways. Whether it be violating traffic laws such as running through a stop sign or just driving erratically, not following the rules of the road can have devastating consequences for everyone.
Also Read: Top 7 Driving Mistakes That You Need to Be Aware Of
7 Ways to Avoid a Car Accident
As mentioned, all of the above leading causes of accidents can have devastating impacts on a person’s life should they be involved in a crash. That’s why learning how to avoid a car accident in the first place is so important. While a person can’t stop every accident, the following tips will reduce the likelihood that you are involved in a wreck:
- Leave enough following distance between vehicles
Firstly, always be sure to leave enough distance between you and any other vehicles that may be on the road around you. The ideal distance to leave between cars is around three to four seconds of space, as this allows you to take evasive action. To gauge your distance, wait for the vehicle in front of you to pass a landmark on the road and begin counting, only stopping when you reach that landmark.
- Watch the road ahead of your vehicle
Building off of the last point, it’s important to also watch the road around your vehicle. Aim to scan the road ahead of you by around twelve seconds in order to allow for adequate time to spot any potential hazards that may cause you to make erratic movements with your vehicle, such as traffic or an object in the road.
- Take care of preventative maintenance on your vehicle
Mechanical breakdowns on the road can be dangerous as vehicles behind you may not be expecting your vehicle to suddenly putter to a stop. By tackling ordinary maintenance at regular intervals, though, you can ensure your vehicle stays operational and safe-to-drive on the road.
- Remove distractions from your vehicle
As mentioned, distracted driving is a major cause of accidents on roads around the world. Do your best to remove any potential distractions, such as locking your phone away or securing your belongings, so that you aren’t tempted to take your eyes of the road as you drive around.
- Never mix substances with driving
It should go without saying that substances and driving don’t mix yet too many people still choose to do this. Never mix alcohol or drugs with getting behind the wheel of a car. You may end up hurting yourself or others around you due to this choice.
- Avoid driving during the nighttime
There is limited visibility on the road at night which makes it a non-ideal time to take your vehicle out. Try to limit the amount of time you drive at night so that you are only driving when visibility conditions are at their peak.
- Practice driving safely in unfamiliar weather
Finally, poor weather conditions can seriously impact a person’s ability to drive safely, so it’s best to practice in a controlled environment when weather conditions are poor. Whether it’s rain, heavy snow, blistering heat, or some other odd weather condition, be sure you know how to handle whatever you are about to drive in.
Also Read: How To File A Car Accident Claim With Your Insurance Company.
The Bottom Line
Regardless of how safe a driver actually is, it’s entirely possible that they can still be involved in a car accident at some point in their lives. Remember that when an accident occurs, you should get your vehicle out of the road as soon as possible and inspect yourself and others for injury. The safety of the drivers involved in the crash is always more important than getting the insurance items taken care of, so ensure everyone involved is perfectly fine before moving on to the exchange of information. Finally, always remember to contact your auto insurance provider as soon as possible following a wreck to tell them what occurred so that the claims process can be kickstarted.