Top 10 Most Popular US Presidents Of All Time

In the history of the United States, there have been 43 presidents, with President Barack Obama being the 44th. Depending on what the presidents achieved during their service, their decision making and the consequences of their choices, they are popular or less popular among the nation. A 2015 poll, done by the American Political Science … Read more

Top 10 Interesting Facts about Grace Kelly

There’s only one Hollywood actress that became a princess – the one and only Grace Kelly. Born in Philadelphia in 1929, Grace Kelly loved being an actress since she was a little girl and her dream came true during the golden Hollywood era. Even though her acting career didn’t last long, she did well enough … Read more

Top 10 Deadliest Volcanic Eruptions In History

Volcanoes are one of the most devastating and dangerous natural forces. Most volcanoes are 10,000 to 100,000 years old, and according to scientists, there are 1,500 active volcanoes around the world today. Alone in the US, there are about 169 volcanoes that scientists consider active; most of them can be found in Alaska. A volcano … Read more

Top 10 Interesting Facts about Coco Chanel

One of the greatest icons of the 20th century is the one and only fashion designer Coco Chanel. This French lady knew how to dress a lady, but she started a whole revolution that will make fashion easier for women. Many know her for being a fashion icon, but this lady had a life worth … Read more

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Elizabeth Taylor

Starting from her childhood years up until she died in 2011, the London – born and LA-based Elizabeth Taylor was and will remain one of the greatest actresses that ever appeared on the movie screen. She starred in many popular movies from the golden Hollywood age, such as “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” “Cleopatra,” … Read more

Top 10 Richest Women in the United States

Top 10 Richest Women in the United States

The United States is a place where many billionaires and millionaires live. But, even in a man’s world, women are doing pretty well when it comes to money. So, did you know that the wealthiest woman is also the sixth wealthiest person in the States? Or that these women below are not only very rich ladies, … Read more

Top 10 Abraham Lincoln Accomplishments

Top 10 Biggest Accomplishments of Abraham Lincoln

Remember, Abraham Lincoln’s accomplishments are not all in the field of politics. Kentucky – born on a poor farmer’s land, managed his way to the President’s chair in 1860 when he was elected as the 16th President of the States. Abraham Lincoln faced many obstacles during his time as President, and not only he managed … Read more

Top 10 Indigenous Peoples of Africa

10 Indigenous Peoples of Africa - The Dreadful Issues They Are Facing | Top Inspired

Africa is a large continent with 47 countries on it plus 6 island nations off the coast, namely Cape Verde, São Tomé, Madagascar, Comoros, Seychelles, and Mauritius, making the total to 53. All African countries are home to indigenous people. These people have a different lifestyle from the mainstream. They are semi-nomadic or nomadic people, hunter-gatherers … Read more

Top 10 Things To Know About Jane Goodall

TOP 10 Things to know about Jane Goodall | Top Inspired

Jane Goodall is a world-renowned primatologist, conservationist, and animal rights activist who devoted her life to studying chimpanzees in their natural habitat. During the 45 years, she spent in Africa in the Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania she observed primates closely and made many important discoveries regarding their behaviour. Nobody before has observed that chimpanzees … Read more