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Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

Car accidents can happen in an instant, often changing lives forever. Understanding the main causes behind these crashes is important for defensive driving. This article will explore the seven leading factors that result in automobile collisions in the United States. The statistics provided will showcase how prevalent each cause is on our roads.


Distracted Driving

The number one cause of car crashes is distracted driving. This includes any activity that diverts a driver’s attention away from the road, such as texting, talking on the phone, eating, interacting with passengers, or adjusting music and navigation systems. Shockingly, an estimated 9 people are killed every day in the U.S. from accidents that involve a distracted driver. This accounts for a staggering 16% of all deadly collisions.


Driving over the posted speed limit or too fast for road conditions is the second most common cause of accidents. Driving above the speed limit impairs a driver’s capacity to maneuver their vehicle securely around turns or hazards on the road. Excessive speed also increases the distance required to brake and come to a complete stop. The faster a car is moving, the more violent a crash will be in the event of impact. Over 10,000 people per year lose their lives in speed-related crashes.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving remains a major epidemic that leads to thousands of deaths annually. After alcohol, drivers experience decreased coordination, difficulty concentrating, and slower reaction times. Statistics show that 32 people in the U.S. die every day from motor vehicle crashes that involve an intoxicated driver. That’s one person every 45 minutes.

Reckless Driving

Reckless behaviors like swerving, weaving, ignoring traffic signals, and passing improperly cause a high number of accidents each year. Individuals who drive recklessly often show disregard for safety laws and the safety of others around them. Reckless operation accounts for hundreds of injuries annually—if you have been injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s reckless driving, it’s important to contact a car accident attorney as soon as possible.

Drowsy Driving

Driving while fatigued can greatly impair judgment and reaction times. Drowsiness slows cognition and decision-making abilities similar to alcohol consumption. Car accident attorneys note that driving after going 24 hours without sleep is comparable to driving with a 0.10% blood alcohol concentration. About 2.5% of fatal crashes involve a drowsy driver.

Weather Conditions

Inclement weather like heavy rain, fog, snow, and ice reduces traction and visibility for drivers. Statistics show nearly half a million crashes occur due to weather annually. Approximately 7,400 people lose their lives each year in weather-related accidents, many due to hydroplaning on wet roads or sliding on icy surfaces.

Teen Drivers

Crash risk for teen drivers is remarkably higher than for older, more experienced motorists. Immaturity combined with a lack of skill leads to accident-prone behaviors like speeding, distracted driving, and reckless maneuvers. In the U.S., eight teens die every day from injuries sustained in automobile crashes. Auto collisions remain the leading cause of death for adolescents.

Being aware of hazards like distracted driving, speeding, and impaired motorists can help drivers steer clear of these common crash causes. 

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