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Top 60 Hiking Jokes to Make Your Trails More Fun!

Hiking is a fantastic way to enjoy the great outdoors, but it can sometimes get monotonous, especially on long trails. Why not sprinkle in some humor to keep spirits high and the journey entertaining? Here are the top 60 hiking jokes that will make your trails more fun!

Top 60 Hiking Jokes


Hiking is a beautiful adventure, but a good laugh is sometimes needed to keep the spirits high. Whether trekking through mountains or strolling through forests, these top 60 hiking jokes will add a touch of humor to your journey. Get ready to boost morale and enjoy your trail time even more with these funny quips and puns!

Classic Hiking Jokes

  1. Why did the scarecrow become a successful hiker?
    • Because he was outstanding in his field!
  2. What do you call a bear caught in the rain?
    • A drizzly bear!
  3. Why don’t mountain climbers get lost?
    • They always follow the peek-a-boo!

Puns and Wordplay

  1. Why don’t trees take the bus?
    • Because they always root for a walk!
  2. What’s a mountain’s favorite type of music?
    • Rock and roll!
  3. Why did the bicycle fall over on the hiking trail?
    • Because it was two-tired!

Animal-Themed Jokes

  1. What do you call a dog who loves to hike?
    • A trailhound!
  2. Why are fish bad at hiking?
    • They’re always hooked!
  3. How do cows stay safe on the trail?
    • They always mooo-ve carefully!

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  1. I once went hiking in the mountains of Switzerland…
    • I kept getting the urge to yodel.
  2. The hiking trail was challenging…
    • But I toughed it out because I’m in-tents!
  3. I took a hike, and it was all uphill from there…
    • Literally!

Trail Mix Humor

  1. What do hikers call trail mix?
    • Munch and crunch!
  2. Why did the squirrel bring a suitcase on the hike?
    • Because it was going nutty!
  3. What did the granola bar say to the trail?
    • You’re crumbling my plans!

Camping Jokes

  1. Why don’t tents ever get lost?
    • Because they always stay put!
  2. How do campfires greet each other?
    • With a warm hello!
  3. Why did the camper bring a ladder?
    • To reach the high spirits!

Motivational and Silly Jokes

  1. Hiking is like life…
    • It’s all about the journey, not the destination.
  2. Why did the hiker bring a GPS to the party?
    • To find their way to fun!
  3. How does a hiker start a conversation?
    • With a trail of thought!

Knock-Knock Jokes

  1. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Hike.
    • Hike who?
    • I hike you, too!
  2. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Forest.
    • Forest who?
    • Forest through the trees, you’re bound to find a trail!
  3. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Bear.
    • Bear who?
    • Bear with me while I find the trail!

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Hiking Essentials Humor

  1. Why do hikers carry band-aids?
    • Because they’re always getting into scrapes!
  2. What’s a hiker’s favorite drink?
    • Mountain Dew!
  3. Why do hikers love maps?
    • Because they always show them the way!

Food and Snack Jokes

  1. Why did the tomato turn red on the hike?
    • Because it saw the salad dressing!
  2. What do you call a bear that loves snacks?
    • A grizzly bear!
  3. Why did the trail mix go to school?
    • To get a little nutty!

Nature-Inspired Jokes

  1. What do you call a lazy tree?
    • A sloth tree!
  2. Why did the tree take a nap?
    • It was a bit rooted!
  3. What did the hiker say to the mountain?
    • I’ll sum it up for you later!

Weather-Related Jokes

  1. Why don’t mountains get cold?
    • They have plenty of layers!
  2. What’s a cloud’s favorite way to travel?
    • By the sky-high!
  3. Why do thunderstorms always stay calm?
    • Because they take lightning to heart!

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Hiking Buddies Jokes

  1. What did one hiking boot say to the other?
    • We make a great pair!
  2. Why do hikers make great friends?
    • They’re always on the same path!
  3. How do you compliment a good hiking buddy?
    • You’re trail-blazing amazing!

Long Trail Jokes

  1. Why did the hiker bring a book?
    • For the long stretches!
  2. What’s the hardest part about hiking the Appalachian Trail?
    • Deciding which part to love the most!
  3. Why did the hiker break up with the trail?
    • It was too rocky!

Hiking Prep Jokes

  1. Why did the hiker pack an extra pair of shoes?
    • For the sole purpose of staying comfortable!
  2. What’s a hiker’s least favorite day?
    • Trail mix-up day!
  3. Why did the hiker visit the gym?
    • To get trail-ready!

Equipment Jokes

  1. Why did the hiker bring a smartphone?
    • To call it a day!
  2. What’s a hiker’s favorite piece of equipment?
    • The trusty backpack!
  3. Why don’t hikers use compasses?
    • Because they already know the way to fun!

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Adventure Jokes

  1. Why did the hiker cross the road?
    • To get to the other trail!
  2. What do you call a hiking adventure with no plan?
    • A walk on the wild side!
  3. How do you find adventure on a hike?
    • Follow the path less traveled!

Miscellaneous Hiking Jokes

  1. Why did the mushroom go hiking?
    • Because it was a fungus!
  2. What’s a hiker’s favorite game?
    • Peek-a-boo!
  3. Why do hikers love the alphabet?
    • Because it’s full of trails!

Closing Jokes

  1. Why did the hiker take a flashlight?
    • To see the light at the end of the tunnel!
  2. What did the mountain say to the hiker?
    • You rock!
  3. Why did the hiker bring a camera?
    • To capture the trail-tales!
  4. What’s a hiker’s favorite type of humor?
    • Trail mix!
  5. Why did the hiker pack extra socks?
    • To keep the journey from getting stuck!
  6. What’s the best way to end a hike?
    • With a laugh and a smile!

Tips for Using These Jokes on the Trail

  • Break the Ice: Use these jokes at the beginning of the hike to lighten the mood.
  • Motivation: Share a joke when the trail gets tough to boost morale.
  • Bonding: These jokes are perfect for creating memories and bonding with your hiking group.
  • Timing: Timing is key. Use jokes during breaks or when spirits need lifting.
  • Personalize: Adjust the jokes to fit your hiking buddies’ personalities for a more personal touch.


Hiking is about reaching the summit and enjoying the journey along the way. These hiking jokes are perfect for adding fun and laughter to your trails. Whether hiking with friends, family, or solo, a good joke can make the experience even more memorable. So, pack your bags, lace up your boots, and get ready to hit the trails with a smile and a laugh! Happy hiking!

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