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How Does Hail Damage Roof Look Like?

Picture this. You’re sitting in front of your fireplace with a mug of tea in your hand, and you can hear the comforting sounds of a storm outside. Suddenly, you hear your roof being pelted with hail, and you’re unsure what the damage will look like. 

While hail is alarming, it can be difficult to assess the kind of damage it causes without knowing what exactly to look for. In this article, we will walk you through what hail damage to a roof looks like and why it is important to identify and fix a roof damaged by hail. 

Let’s dive right in. 


What does hail damage look like on a roof?

Since hail damage can look different based on the storm’s severity and the type of roof you have, there are a couple of ways to categorize damage, namely, functional and cosmetic. Let’s take a closer look at both. 

Functional Damage

When it comes to functional damage caused by hail, you need to remember that the hail could have permanently affected your roof’s structure or performance. In other words, if your roof is functionally damaged, it might not be able to protect your roof properly or at all. This means that if you don’t fix it, your roof could leak rainwater or collapse on itself. 

Hailstones affect the structural integrity of your roof. When they hit the roof shingles, they cause them to lose their ability to protect and cover your home. 

Let’s take a look at some examples of functional damage. 

1. Cracks on the shingles

While cracked shingles aren’t as bad as split shingles, it is important to note that if you don’t repair them immediately, they will get worse over time. The cracks will change the overall function of the shingles, thus preventing them from protecting your house from the elements. 

2. Fractured or Broken Shingles 

If the shingles are fractured or broken, it means that the impact from the hail stones caused them to break into bigger pieces because of the wind velocity and size of the hailstones. As you can imagine, this type of damage is much worse than simple cracks in the shingles. Broken shingles will fall off the general structure of the roof, leading to your home becoming flooded when it rains. 

3. Dents or Impact Marks on the Roof

As we mentioned before, hail can cause functional damage to your roof. When there are dents or impact marks on the roof, it can indicate the force of the wind and how big the hailstones were. 


Cosmetic Damage

Aside from functional damage, hailstones can also affect the aesthetic appearance of your home. Let’s look more closely at how it does so. 

1. Hailstone Size 

It’s important to remember that no two hailstorms are the same. The size of the hailstones in every storm varies, from being as small as green peas to as large as golf or softballs. Softball-sized hailstones are more impactful and cause more damage because they are heavier and denser. In addition to damaging your roof, they can dent the roof of your car and even dent your motorcycle or bicycle. 

2. Hailstone Shape

 The shape of a hailstone also affects the appearance of a roof. While some hailstones are pea-sized, others are the size of baseballs. Depending on their size and density, some hailstones might be crystallized. Those crystals could damage your roof by scratching the shingles. 

3. Wind Speed and Direction of Hailstorm

Just like the size and shape of the hailstones, the wind speed and the direction of the storm directly affects the amount of damage to your roof. If the wind’s speed is between 44 and 72 miles per hour, it’s safe to assume that your roof’s damage will be quite extensive. 

Prevention of Hail Damage on Roofs

1. Proper roof maintenance

Proper maintenance is essential to prevent your roof from getting damaged by hail. This means that you need to regularly inspect the quality of your roof after a hailstorm, and if possible, upgrade it by using higher-quality materials. For instance, if possible, try and install steel slopes; these protect your roof properly from hailstones and ensure that your roof won’t be damaged in the future. 

Also read: Top 6 Roof Maintenance Tips that Every Homeowner Should Know

2. Use of impact-resistant roofing materials

As we mentioned above, using impact-resistant materials is important because they can resist the impact of hailstones of varied sizes. While it can be expensive, investing in materials like steel, asphalt, or clay will prevent your home from getting damaged by difficult weather conditions. Additionally, it would be a good idea to consult a contractor in your area who is familiar with the kinds of materials necessary for different types of weather. 

3. Protecting your roof during hail storms

The best way to protect your roof during hail storms is to invest in asphalt shingles that will resist the impact and moisture from hailstones. Consult a roofing contractor, and request them to assess your roof as it is. Once they’ve made the assessment, they will help you figure out a plan to decide whether or not your roof needs to be replaced or repaired. If your roof is in bad shape, you might have to replace the entire thing. 

How to Repair Hail Damage

While it might seem redundant, repairing your roof from hail damage is something that is best left to the experts. If you cannot afford an expert, you can try the following tips: 

  1. Examine the gutters and window frames surrounding your house to see if they’ve been dented or completely damaged. 
  2. If your roof is built with shingles, carefully assess each one to identify whether individual shingles are damaged or if there is an entire section that needs to be replaced. 

Will Insurance Cover Hail Damage to My Roof?

Yes, in most cases, insurance will cover hail damage to your roof. This is because most home insurance policies cover roof damage. 

Aldo read: 4 Tips to Help You Choose the Right Roofing Solution for Your Home


In this article, we walked you through an explanation that details how hail damage can affect a roof, and how to go about fixing it. While hail damage is annoying and can be expensive, the best tip we have for you is that you try to invest in a roof built from high-quality materials. 

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