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How to Enjoy Solo Travel Adventures


Solo travel adventures are just as, if not more, enjoyable than touring a place with others. Not everyone is cut out for group travel, and some don’t have partners or families. But you can enjoy yourself by staying safe while exploring and sampling what the local restaurants have to offer.

Go Light and Go Forth!

Traveling light makes a city trip much more accommodating, and frees your mind and body of the burden of carrying. Access to a storage facility such as Radical Storage London will help keep your trip as hassle free as possible as you explore the city. Staying within a reasonable range, you can pop back and forth as needed. With extra security, any valuables will also be kept much safer. So you can leave your laptop or camera in lockers when eating, for example.

Enjoy Solo Travel with Cybersecurity

Staying safe when traveling alone is more critical. As a solo person, you could be a target. However, with some very simple cybersecurity and common sense, you can avoid most issues. Over 50% revealed they have been compromised after using public Wi-Fi, so try these tips:

  • Try not to use public Wi-Fi or USB sockets for charging when out and about.
  • Use a VPN app such as NordVPN if you have to use any public facilities.
  • Keep valuable electronics in a laptop bag and always close to your person.

Public Wi-Fi is a target for hackers looking to intercept data. VPNs can dramatically reduce the chance of interception. However, thieves will also use clever tactics to take your valuables.

Prioritize Your Excursions

Most people have a massive list of things they want to do when traveling. As a solo traveler, you have more freedom than if you were in a group. However, like group travel, you still won’t be able to do everything. To beat disappointment, plan your trip and excursions by priority or what you really want to do. If something is important to you, then make sure you have the time and money to do it. You can then plan smaller or less crucial trips around one major excursion.

Plan to Do One Major Thing

As mentioned, you can plan smaller trips around one major event. With something to really look forward to, you will go home satisfied that you got to tick something off your bucket list. For instance, China is full of exciting events, festivals, and architecture. But nothing will beat walking the Great Wall! Planning your trip around one major thing enables you to make the most of your time there. Everything else comes together to make the trip memorable around this one event.

Get a DSLR Camera to Enjoy Solo Travel

People love taking photos! Thanks to smartphones, everyone is a photographer now. Today, over 1.3 billion photographs are uploaded to Instagram every day. However, not even the best phone cameras stand up to a quality DSLR when you learn to use it well for each scenario.

Buy various lenses

You will need lenses based on the photos you want. For example, a 24mm lens is excellent for wide-angle street shots in villages. But a 70mm to 300mm lens can capture stunning sunsets.

Learn your camera’s controls

DSLR cameras use the “exposure triangle.” It is wise to learn this to get the best from your device. However, brands such as Canon have intuitive controls for automatic settings.

Buy a camera backpack

Even as a photography beginner, you need a lot of equipment for a DSLR. A quality backpack helps keep things organized and safe, and out of the elements or the hands of criminals.

Learn About the Destination

You can get so much more from a trip when you know about the location. How to act, traditions and the history of each place are usually unique. You can, of course, Google these, and you can find a ton of info that way. However, one of the ideal ways to learn about a place is to ask friends and family who have previously visited. People who visit specific places get to know them well, and they can offer up some excellent suggestions for trips, food, and the best photo spots.

Speak the Language

The biggest barrier you have as a solo traveler is language. When in a group, there is often someone who can speak the local language, no matter how broken! But if you can’t speak the language of a place you visit alone, it can be pretty challenging. No one’s saying you need to be fluent. But common words and phrases can relieve a lot of tension and make it much easier. For example, learning how to order food in a local restaurant. But there’s also Google Translate!

Enjoy Solo Travel with Great Food

Most people travel for food experiences. In fact, a recent survey of holidaymakers found that 81% of travelers look forward to local food as part of the experience. New cuisines can open up a whole new world of travel enjoyment. So, here’s how you can tempt your traveling taste buds:

  • Sign up for food tour groups for expert advice about local cuisine.
  • Visit local markets and look for eateries that use the available fresh produce.
  • Observe where the locals eat their daily meals and/or ask hotel staff.

Tour guides have a lot of knowledge, including the best places to eat and drink. Local markets often serve produce to eateries close to them. But the locals always know the best places.

Stay In Touch with Friends and Family

Even in the most exotic and stunning places on the planet, you can get homesick. Fortunately, communication has never been easier than it is today. If you need some encouragement or just want to see your loved ones, it’s only a Skype call or Facetime away! However, there’s also a safety aspect to staying in touch too. Keeping friends and family updated will help if something happens. But don’t broadcast that you are away from your home all over social media platforms.


Traveling light will alleviate some of the pressure of lugging stuff around and help you enjoy solo travel more. A DSLR camera will capture the best pictures possible, but it has a learning curve. You can also keep in touch with family and friends so you don’t feel homesick on your travels.

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