15 Famous Celebrities with Buffalo Hump [2024 Updated]

When we think of celebrities, we think of a pristine and perfect life where nothing is wrong. This weirdly misconstrued take on celebrities is what prevents most of them from sharing their struggles. Health complications, especially ones that affect the “appearance” of a celebrity, are often buried under. Buffalo hump, otherwise known as dowager’s hump … Read more

14 Famous Celebrities With Bunions [2024 Updated]

Celebrities now represent our culture as heroic characters. It’s simple to forget that actors and other celebrities are really ordinary individuals, just like the rest of us. Bunions do not simply impact ordinary people; even the most beautiful celebrities suffer from the discomfort, appearance, and humiliation that can be caused by bunions.  In this post, … Read more

10 Famous Celebrities with Herpes [2024]

Kim Kardashian

Media portrayal of celebrities makes us think they are invincible and this perfect caricature of what a human should look like. What we tend to forget is that they are humans too. So, noticing them with more than common diseases like herpes needs to be normalized. Instead of putting celebrities on a pedestal, we must … Read more

10 Famous Celebrities with Cold Sores [With Pics]

Adriana Lima

We live in a world where the concept of celebrities is synonymous with perfection and flawlessness. The media representation, heavy makeup, and flawless filters don’t help the case, either. Our brains are so warped into thinking that celebrities never have any kinds of flaws or imperfections that we often forget that they are human beings, … Read more