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Top Tips And Tricks For Gaming In 2024


For anyone who is long been a fan of Nintendo and other gaming consoles or platforms, it’s incredible to see the amount of change that’s occurred over the last few decades. The advancements from Nintendo alone are jaw-dropping and the game quality we get to enjoy now as a generation in 2024 is beyond what many of us thought could be back in the early days.

For any gamer looking to ramp up their gameplay, whether it’s improving their gaming setup to understanding the benefits of modded accounts, there are plenty of tips and tricks to take advantage of as we go through another great year of gaming. Here are some useful tips and tricks to know in order to make the most out of your gaming adventures this year.

Keep up to Date With the Latest Game Releases

There are lots of games being released currently, so much so that it’s hard to keep up from one release to the next. It’s a good idea to take a look at what’s in the pipeline ahead of time so that you can plan which ones you’d like to purchase and when.

Of course, not every game is going to be a favorite that you’re looking forward to but it’s worth knowing what’s available because games don’t seem to be getting any cheaper currently. As the demand for the latest and hottest games comes out, the more expensive they seem to become, even when pre-ordering them in advance.

There are plenty of great forums and official magazines that you can explore online in order to identify the best games coming soon, including this site.

See What’s Trending in the Gaming World

The gaming world, like so many industries, is constantly changing. Nintendo has seen a lot of change over the years. After all, they didn’t always have electronics to rely on. In fact, it was Hanafuda playing cards in Kyoto, Japan that started Nintendo – all the way back in 1889!

So what’s trending in 2024? There’s probably a lot that you’re already aware of and even more that you didn’t have a clue about. The gaming world is so vast and expansive, meaning there are a lot of trends that you might only become knowledgeable of in the coming weeks or months.

What are some big trends to look out for in the gaming world? Here are just a few to be aware of:

  • More third-party games in collaboration with Nintendo.
  • Roblox to help inspire indie gaming.
  • A great diversity in gaming and more to come.
  • New gaming platforms are in the works.
  • Cloud gaming services expanding.
  • Next-generation consoles.

There’s a lot of excitement in the world of gaming, so it’s definitely something to be thrilled about for 2024.

Upgrade Your Displays

The displays are an important part of your gameplay and with games becoming more advanced in graphics, it’s necessary to adapt your displays to suit.

There are lots of great display monitors out there nowadays to help provide the ultimate gameplay experience. Whether it’s for your Nintendo Switch and being able to seamlessly alternate your gameplay, to the typical consoles that are already set up for your computer or television screen.

These displays don’t need to cost the earth either, so it’s worth taking a look online and doing some comparisons to see what suits you best, both for your preference and your wallet!

Define Your Gaming Goals

What are some of your gaming goals when it comes to your own personal gameplay in 2024? Not everyone will have gaming goals, some might simply choose to game without any real direction. However, as an avid gamer, it’s good to set some goals so that you don’t get bored easily from gameplay.

Perhaps you’re looking to set yourself the challenge of completing a whole game within a certain timeframe. It could be an old classic or something brand new that’s never been played before.

What about achieving top scores in one session or over the course of the month? There are plenty of gaming goals to set yourself up with so that you can make gaming fun, even during those times when it can lull in enjoyment.

If you’ve lost your love of gaming recently, sometimes having a focus like a gaming goal, can bring that joy and love back.

Elevate Your Gaming Environment

What makes gaming even better? When you have a space that elevates your gaming and gaming experience. Your gaming environment plays a big role in how much you get out of your gaming sessions. Therefore, it’s important that you’re doing everything you can to ensure your gaming environment is at a premium level.

That means a comfortable gaming chair, ambient lighting, and sound systems that ensure you hear every bird tweeting or the distant voice of a background character mid-game.

With that in mind, take stock of what you do have as a setup in your gaming room or area. For some, they might be lucky enough to have a room dedicated to gaming, while others might be relegated to just a shelf underneath the television.

Whatever you have, think about how you could make it better so that it benefits your gaming tenfold. There are lots of great gaming chairs out there and when it comes to your health, it pays to invest in a good chair where you can.

Lighting has become a lot more creative nowadays too and thanks to smart technology, you could invest in lighting that changes colors as you game. Some can even be reactive to the gameplay at hand. Experiment with what ambience you want to create when it comes to gaming as everyone is a little bit different in what they want to achieve.

Make Use of Modded Accounts for Gameplay

Modded accounts are great for when you want to take the investment that sometimes comes with gameplay. Not everyone has the time or patience to work their accounts all the way up to a certain point whereby the game becomes more enjoyable as a result.

With that being said, a lot of gamers nowadays will take advantage of modded accounts for enhanced gameplay. Like these GTA 5 modded accounts for instance. You’ll find that these are available in a variety of formats whether you’re looking for ones on console gaming or for PC/online.

Look after Your Consoles

Your consoles are your babies, so look after them! It’s easy to let yourself go when it comes to maintaining them but many of these consoles aren’t always made to last forever, so it’s good to know your stuff when cleaning them.


Always refer to the manufacturer’s guides in the first instance, to know how to look after each console individually. From there, you could always take a look online to see what guidance is offered by the gaming experts who have managed to keep their consoles in good condition for years.

By looking after your consoles, you’re going to ensure that you get plenty of value for money in what you spend on them. Of course, they too are becoming more expensive as the demand for them grows.

Use Gaming Accessories

Gaming accessories are great for your gaming experience and are just another tip to remember when it comes to gaming in 2024.

From headphones to light-up keyboards, there is plenty to get stuck in when you’re trying to find the best gaming accessories that the online world has to offer. Some suggestions when it comes to gaming accessories include:

  • Headset for more intense audio experiences
  • Microphone for gameplay with friends and strangers
  • Hard drives to back up your gameplay
  • Keyboard and mouse for responsive gaming

It’s good to invest in these accessories, so don’t neglect this as part of your gaming investment budget.

Optimize Power Settings

In order to get better power efficiency over time, especially when you’re away from a power source for charging, it’s worth trying to optimize your settings so that you get as much out of it as possible.

There are ways to optimize your power sessions, with each console and gaming device having its own settings to adjust. Try to get familiar with all your consoles and gaming devices when you first get them, rather than just jumping straight in. It’s good to get the lay of the land so that you can get the best gameplay possible with devices that are optimized to last!

Don’t Forget to Hydrate and Stay Healthy

Finally, don’t forget that when it comes to gaming satisfaction, it’s important to look after yourself and your well-being. That means staying hydrated and healthy. Too much gameplay can be bad for your mental and physical well-being, so try to balance this where possible.

Be sure to have a bottle of water on the go to stay hydrated and be sure to hit the pause button every now and then for some food.

These tips will ensure you make the most out of your gaming and gameplay experiences in 2024.

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