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Top 10 Ways to Make Your Hotel more Environmentally Friendly


Climate change is one of the biggest issues affecting the world today, and it’s vital that all businesses do their part to reduce their impact on the environment. With that in mind, here are 10 effective ways in which you can make your hotel more eco-friendly.

1. Create a sustainability team

To begin with, set up a dedicated sustainability team to tackle the problem of reducing your carbon footprint head-on. This will help staff and guests to see that you’re genuinely committed to helping the environment, as well as ensure that your positive intentions transform into effective actions.

2. Cut water use

There are lots of simple changes you can make to reduce the amount of water that’s used in your hotel. These include installing toilets with eco flush systems in the bathrooms, as well as aerated shower heads that use less water without guests experiencing a drop in pressure.

3. Save electricity

Ensuring that room lights can only be used when a key card is inserted into a slot is a great way to prevent them from being left on. In addition, you can use energy-efficient lightbulbs throughout your hotel, as well as motion sensor lighting in areas such as stairwells that don’t get much foot traffic.

4. Purchase eco-friendly products

Switching to green cleaning supplies is a genuinely simple way to reduce your impact on the environment without lowering your hotel’s standards. Likewise, consider buying hotel uniforms made from sustainable material as another easy option to help the planet.

5. Offer a greener menu

If your hotel has a café or restaurant, you can make it more environmentally friendly by offering a mostly plant-based menu. In addition, try to source your ingredients locally wherever possible.

6. Use less plastic

Cut down on the amount of plastic your hotel uses by ditching plastic bags and getting rid of single-use plastic water bottles in favor of glass ones. You could also provide water fountains in the lobby where people can refill their own reusable bottles.

7. Reduce paper usage

You might be surprised at how much unnecessary paper waste your hotel is generating. Try emailing guests their receipts instead of printing them and having digital menus in your restaurant that guests view by scanning a QR code.

8. Provide recycling bins

It’s impossible to completely avoid generating waste when you run a hotel, but you can make an effort to recycle as much of it as possible. Providing recycling bins throughout the building encourages everyone to do their part.

9. Get the guests on board

Much of the energy use in a hotel is down to the guests, so it’s important to get them on board with your efforts to go green. Place notices in rooms encouraging people to reuse towels, take shorter showers, unplug electronics when they’re not in use, and take other actions to help the planet.

10. Support local environmental projects

Large hotels are in a great position to help their community, so make sure that you’re doing your part. Endeavor to support local environmental projects, donate food that you won’t use to soup kitchens, and partner with sustainable tourism companies.

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