There are countless benefits to hosting an event in your business offices, including savings on location rental fees, and longer-lasting customer relationships. But hosting in-house also brings obvious setbacks, especially on the security front. Suddenly, your closed office space, which may well handle sensitive documents, will be open to many newcomers. If you aren’t careful, they could easily gain access to things they shouldn’t. Health and safety may also need a reshake if you’re doubling the amount of people in this space.
Luckily, there are ways to prioritize safety and security even during an in-office event, and we’re going to consider them here.
# 1 – Limit Guest Numbers
Both safety and security become harder when there are more people to keep track of. This could quickly result in sloppy safety procedures, or even curious eyes sneaking into forbidden areas unchecked.
Hence why it’s always worth limiting guest numbers at an event like this. As well as keeping things safer for everyone, this closed-circle approach can prove even more efficient for sales, as it creates an intimate vibe. All while making sure that you’re easily able to account for everyone present at all times.
# 2 – Utilize Clear Access Control Procedures
When you’re hosting an out-of-house event, you may resort to rudimentary security checks, including asking for attendee invites, or checking names off a pre-written list. This isn’t too much of a problem when you’re in a premises that’s free from anything truly revealing about your business, but these techniques simply aren’t enough when inviting attendees straight into your office.
After all, it’s easy to fake an invitation or sneak a spot on a guest list. These methods also leave room for error which could result in entirely unplanned guests turning up. To avoid this, make the most of physical security features like access control. This makes sure you have a real-time way of tracking who enters your space, while your systems cross-check things like credentials and whether or not that person is supposed to be there. All while you can smile, greet, and play the welcoming host without worry.
# 3 – Set Up In One Space
Having guests walking all around your office is problematic for various reasons. On the one hand, an open event layout that spans different office areas increases the risks of guests stumbling into locations they shouldn’t. Hosting in various spaces also means that it’ll be much harder to ensure everyone’s safety in the case of something like a fire alarm.
Instead, setting up in one primary office space, like your main office floor or foyer, is a far better option. That way, you’ll know exactly where everyone is, can give clear fire safety instructions at the start of the event, and can even lock the doors to more niche parts of the office.
If you’re looking to save money on an event that’s more likely to win clients over, then you can’t go wrong with hosting in the office. Simply make sure to keep guests safe and secure in-house with these top tips.