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Top Tips For Taking Care Of Your Pet

According to a recent study, approximately 70% of US households own a pet. This is unsurprising, given the many benefits associated with pet ownership. For example: 

However, while there’s a lot of fun to be had when owning a pet, there’s no denying that its a lot of work. After all, its important that you provide them with the best home possible.


Photo by Leohoho on Unsplash

With that in mind, here are some top tips for taking care of your pet!

Do your research. 

Whether you’re adopting a dog or a lizard, doing your research ahead of time is instrumental in figuring out whether or not you can provide for them. For example, some animals, such as puppies or specific breeds of dogs, will require more attention than others. For example, you may need to train them or take them for multiple walks a day or keep up with a grooming schedule. However, if this is not possible, doing your research will help you to identify low-maintenance dog breeds that better match your lifestyle. 

Invest in what they need. 

Owning a pet will, obviously, increase your monthly expenses. For example, whenever you visit the grocery store, you’ll also be buying pet food. However, you should also ensure you buy any necessary care items beforehand too so that you’re well-stocked when they arrive. For example, if you were considering raising chickens, you’ll have to build a coop in your yard and invest in a chicken grit feeder so that they have easy access to grit and water when they need it. 

Get pet insurance. 

A recent report found that over 40% of pet owners do not have any form of pet insurance in place. While this may not seem like a major issue, it means that you’re going to have to pay upfront and out of pocket whenver your pet needs veterinary care. In an emergency situation, this can quickly get expensive. As such, you should use price comparison websites ahead of time to find the best deal. You should also register your pet at your local veterinary practice,  especially if they need any vaccinations. 

Prepare your home. 

You may have spent a great deal of time getting your home just right for yourself and your family. However, depending on the kind of animal you’re welcoming into your home, some modifications may need to be made. For example, dogs and cats are naturally inquisitive, which means that any harmful items, such as cleaning products, should be kept far away from where wondering paws can come across them. You can also use this as an opportunity to declutter your home. 

Set up a ‘pet corner’ in your home. 

Like humans, animals need a safe space where they feel relaxed and comfortable. As a result, you should set up a ‘pet corner’ in your home, especially for animals such as cats and dogs. You can store their bed, toys, and other belongings here, too, as this will again make it feel more like their own space. 

Think about exercise.

Most animals require some kind of exercise in order to stay fit and healthy. This is particularly true for animals such as dogs and cats, but pets that live in enclosures, like hamsters, also need exercise too. As a result, you should do some research to understand how active your pet should be so that you can factor this into your routine. For example, you may need to take your dog on a walk in the morning and the evening so they can maintain their weight and get rid of any pent-up energy. For hamsters, you should invest in an exercise ball and wheel that they can use. 

Work to understand your pet. 

Your pet will have its own unique personality, and sometimes this can take a bit of getting used to. While it may seem surprising, their personalites can vary just as much as ours can. However, learning to understand their personality will enable you to give them the best life possible. For example, reading their body language will let you know when they’d like to play and cuddle and when they’d like to be left alone. If you encounter any behavioral issues at this point, it will give you the chance to look into training options, whether this completed independently or at a pet school! 

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