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Top Tips for TikTok Bloggers to Make the Page More Lively and Gain Followers

Nowadays, nothing can bring popularity and followers online as fast as TikTok. This social app has created much buzz around it and elevated videos to a new level, making even such mastodons like Instagram seek ways to integrate similar content into their strategy. The younger audience adores TikTok because it provides an entirely free space to express themselves and find like-minded people. 

Brands love this app for a new method to present their products and reach new audiences, especially buying the cheapest UK TikTok followers to ensure their progress. But besides paid options, there are things that you can do for free and gain a greater audience on this app. 


Capture The Attention At Once

TikTok is all about quick content consumption, so to motivate users to keep watching your video, you need to make it: 

  • engaging right from the start, 
  • emphasizing what it is about in the first 2-3 seconds. 

Whatever the actual length of your video, these first moments are vital for attracting users and getting that “like” from them as a result. Sometimes a simple caption will work since it can hint at what to expect from the video. 

Another interesting way is to make a little spoiler so users want to know how you came to the result. It works exceptionally well for creative industries, where TikTok followers are interested in getting tips on how the item or art is produced. 

Use Relevant Hashtags

Classical tip for every existing social app. Hashtags are an essential instrument that helps you to reach a wider audience. With hashtags, your videos become discoverable for your target group, meaning they will appear in the proper recommendations, providing not only more followers on TikTok but more loyal adherents as well. 

Your steps in integrating the hashtags’ strategy include the following:

  • examine the industry you are about to enter;
  • collect the most popular hashtags you see there;
  • divide them into groups and shift the terms from time to time so the algorithm will catch up on a new hashtag in your range. 

The perfect mix is taking about 2-3 popular hashtags and 2-3 specific to your niche. 


Keep Up With The Trends

TikTok has basically re-invented trends, so the easiest way to gain TT followers, views, and hearts is to produce trendy publications so your videos keep appearing in the recommended category of content. It is crucial to catch the wave while it’s still hot because trends have quite a short life on TikTok. 

However, instead of dying out completely, popular video ideas often migrate to Insta. If you missed an opportunity on the app, there is always the chance to get on with it on other platforms. You can also use monitoring tools to find out what are the most popular hashtags, songs, or videos – right now, so you can work quickly and dive into the stream and attract more followers for TikTok. 

Use Sound Material

Mostly, the popularity of a particular trend depends on the music or sound that is attached to the video. That makes it viral – people begin to recreate the original content or rethink the idea, continuing to spread the original sound. Hence, many creators use popular sounds simply to get attention to their posts and gain followers for the TikTok page, which works! 

The platform algorithm will choose more videos with a particular sound if the user favors some of the clips with it, so your chances to meet your target audience increases. Besides, people usually expect videos with popular music and sounds to be good, so try to catch your followers’ attention and satisfy them. 


There is a specific function that allows you to interact with other videos, and it is called a “Duet.” This feature provides the opportunity for you to connect with a popular video and shoot your reaction or addition to it. This is an excellent way to: 

  • recycle existing ideas,
  • build your popularity as a response to things people have already shown their appreciation for,
  • collaborate with others intentionally to cross-promote each other to your TikTok followers and lift their popularity. 

Secondly, there is a “Stitch” option that allows the integration of two different clips in one. While Duet provides a split screen, Stitch makes videos appear in a specific order. Many bloggers use stitching as a way to discuss existing content with their TikTok fans. Not precisely a follower-gainer, but given the right topic, it can be a blast. 


TikTok Effects

To enhance your publications’ reception and gain more followers for TikTok, use the effects that can be applied to the video the app provides. These effects can help you:

  • emphasize your video’s details 
  • and improve the content quality in general. 

Some of them can be a huge aid in creating original videos that require specific props, for example, the green screen effect, which crops out everything except you and allows you to alter backgrounds to make a more engaging or funny video. 

To enhance your video production even more, you can use a specific app called CapCut. You have probably noticed its name in video captions on TT, and that is because this app can redirect the edited video straight to the leading social media app. Very comfy. 

In CapCut, you can significantly widen your range of the following: 

  • visual effects, 
  • stickers, 
  • and captions. 

All these will help you make your content more original. Besides, CapCut was made by the same developing company, so it is optimized for TikTok specifically – it’s always great to use a specialized product for your work to get a smoother result and more followers. 

Divide Your Content

Cliffhangers have successfully done their work since the times of analog television. Nothing can motivate users to become your TikTok followers more than good intrigue. So, divide your content into a few parts and don’t post them in proper order. Dilute your profile with different kinds of posts so your audience is curious for some time. Don’t leave the next part closed for too long because, in this case, you risk an alternate effect – a decrease in your audience’s interest. 


When you are going for success on TikTok, you must remember that this is all about fun and lightweight creating. The algorithms of this social app can elevate your clips significantly if you give them a good start. The main thing to do is to examine a market trend constantly and keep up with the interests of your target group. 

Ensure you also know the basics of communication and collaboration on this platform, being practically constantly active online. The choice is yours – to help yourself with monitoring tools or to track trends manually. Try different styles of videos and sounds to find out what attracts your TikTok followers the most. 

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