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5 Ways to Make the Most of a Solo Vacation


Travelling by yourself is one of the most life-affirming experiences you can ever have. It completely breaks you out of your comfort zone and forces you to have new and exciting experiences. When holidaying to a new destination with friends and family, it is easy to stay in your comfortable bubble, but solo travel is hugely character-building.

Whether you are travelling independently out of choice or not, it will change your life. Solo travel makes you a stronger, more self-confident person, and opens you up to new ways of thinking and experiencing the world. You will return home a different person.

If you are feeling anxious about the prospect, you needn’t fear. Once you get started you soon will realize what you have been missing. But to help you have the best experience possible, here are five tips for making the most out of a solo vacation.

Make Some Plans

Make sure you plan plenty of activities into your trip to minimize downtime. This might be an adventurous activity, like scuba diving in Hawaii or a guided hike in the Peak District. Or, you could book a cooking class or craft workshop. This will allow you to explore your surroundings and immerse yourself in local culture, while also filling your schedule and allowing you to meet new people.


Just because you’re traveling solo, it doesn’t mean you have to spend your holiday alone. Get out there and meet some like minded people. There will be plenty of other solo travellers looking to make a connection, and it’s easy to spark up a conversation. Just talk about the surroundings, each other’s travel plans, or even the cool Threadheads t-shirt you are wearing. It doesn’t matter. The people you meet on vacation may not be in your life for long, but the memories will stay with you.

Bring Some Night-Time Entertainment

Unless you love going clubbing all night, evenings when travelling alone can be a little lonely. Once you’ve had dinner and a nightcap, you need a way to occupy yourself until morning. Bring a book to read in the hotel, or even download your favourite TV show to watch on your phone. If you’d rather be doing something more active, do some research online to see if there are any cultural events or shows happening locally during your stay.

Embrace the Solitude

Being by yourself can feel strange at first. You might even get the sensation that people are watching and judging you. But this will pass. You will soon get used to eating dinner alone and exploring in solitude, and even come to love it. Being comfortable with your own company is important, and allows you to know yourself much better.

Make Memories

The important thing is that you enjoy your trip and make plenty of memories. Take pictures of your travels and try to document everything. You may even wish to keep a journal for the duration of your stay. Buy souvenirs from your trip and presents for your loved ones who are waiting for you at home. Safe travels!

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