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Top 3 Side Effects Of Accutane?

Accutane is a brand-name of the medication isotretinoin, which is used to treat acne. In the United States, the brand is no longer available for purchase. However, the generic version of isotretinoin and other brand-name variants, such as Absorica, are still accessible on the market today.

Accutane is a medicine used to treat nodular acne, a severe form of acne that is difficult to treat. Nodular acne is characterized by the formation of red, swollen, and sensitive lumps in the skin. Nodular acne, if left untreated, can leave a permanent scar on the skin.


Only when other therapies, such as antibiotics, have failed to improve the nodular acne will your doctor suggest Accutane. While Accutane can effectively treat nodular acne, it can also induce a variety of side effects. These side effects, mainly if the medicine is used while pregnant, can be life-threatening or fatal.

What is Accutane?

Accutane is used to cure acne that has failed to react to conventional acne treatments. It is used when other acne treatments have been unable to provide results. There are various additional problems for which might be given, including multiple skin issues and several types of cancer, among others.

It can aid in clearing your skin, but it also has some adverse effects on your overall health and well-being. Please keep in mind that the dosage is customized for each individual and that treatment typically takes between five and four months to complete. 

Typically, if Accutane is working, its dose is increased over 1-3 months. It is never permissible to take more medication than is prescribed. When you stop using the drug, the side effects go entirely within several weeks. 

Accutane’s Side Effects on the Human Body

Hair and Skin

Accutane is intended for treating severe acne, thus it has a visible influence on the skin’s appearance. 

The medicine has the potential to be extremely helpful in the treatment of severe acne because it targets inflammation, clogged pores, oil production, and bacteria. Unfortunately, it is possible that your acne can worsen before it gets better when you first begin using it.

Dry skin and chapped lips are two of the more typical adverse effects of this medication. Additionally, you may have dry nasal passages, which might cause your nose to bleed more frequently.

When taking Accutane, your skin will become more sensitive to the sun, so it is essential to use sun protection while taking the medication. Use of any form of indoor tanning device is strictly prohibited.

The palms and soles of some persons acquire soft skin, a rash, or peeling skin due to the condition. You may notice a minor darkening of your skin. It is possible to have thinning hair.

Hair removal techniques such as waxing, dermabrasion, and laser treatments can cause the skin to become so fragile, thus they should be avoided if possible. Before undergoing any of these procedures, make sure you have been off Accutane for at least six months.

Your skin may continue to improve for a while after you have stopped using the drug.

Inflammation of the Joints and Muscles

Inform your doctor if you intend to engage in strenuous physical activity while receiving Accutane medication. Accutane can cause discomfort in your bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments, as well as other areas of your body. It can also cause long bone growth to be stunted in teenagers, which could have long-term consequences. 

If you detect any of the indicators mentioned below, you should call your doctor right away:

  • new occurrence of back pain
  • joint pain at a new spot
  • a fractured bone

If you break a bone, inform all healthcare professionals responsible for your care that you are taking Accutane.

If you experience muscle weakness, whether or not you are experiencing discomfort, stop taking Accutane and contact your doctor immediately. Muscle weakness can be a symptom of severe muscle damage, and it may be a long-term consequence.

Vision And Eye Problems

Accutane has been associated with vision difficulties such as hazy vision, double vision, and tunnel vision in some people. Additionally, this medication can impair your ability to see in the dark. Vision difficulties may disappear once you stop using the medicine or that the damage could be permanent.

Accutane may cause your eyes to produce more tears than usual. If you wear contact lenses, you may experience difficulties in maintaining your prescription while taking Accutane. When you cease treatment, this condition could disappear or become permanent, much like the other vision difficulties you have had.

All of these visual and ocular issues are pretty uncommon. If you have any of the following symptoms: blurred vision, excessive tears, severe or continuous eye dryness, stop taking isotretinoin and contact your doctor immediately.


Accutane is a highly successful treatment for severe acne, but it is connected with several serious adverse effects, as stated above. Anyone thinking about taking this medicine should have a thorough discussion with their doctor about the dangers and minimize them before proceeding.

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